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The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Sixth Edition [Spiral-bound]

The sixth edition of the Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates marks the 25th anniversary of this landmark publication and is a thorough update and a major expansion over earlier editions. The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates has attracted over 30,000 citations and is ranked among the 50 most cited items in the history of science.

This book is also available in a hardcover binding at the same price.

* 161 coronal diagrams and 161 coronal photographic plates from a single brain spaced at constant 120-micron intervals giving scientists the most comprehensive and convenient to use atlas of the rat brain
* 19 sagittal diagrams and 19 sagittal photographic plates (expanded over previous editions)
* 27 horizontal diagrams and 27 horizontal photographic plates
* Thoroughly revised delineations in the coronal, sagittal and horizontal plane
* Color plates and diagrams for the first time
* Unparalleled stereotaxic accuracy
* Identifies over 1000 structures

George Paxinos (Author)
Charles Watson (Author)

Qty Price UnitItemCat# Mfg#
$210.00 EAThe Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Sixth Edition [Spiral-bound]ISBN01254761240125476124