H elp Contents
1 Creating and Submitting Requisitions  
  1.1 How do I find a product?
  1.2 How do I create a requisition (Order/RFQ)?
  1.3 How do I submit a requisition?
  1.4 How do I make changes to a requisition?
  1.5 How do I use Request for Quote (RFQ)?
  1.6 What happens after I submit a requisition?


Simplify Procurement  
  2.1 What are Requisitions?
  2.2 What are Flexlists?
  2.3 How does order tracking work?


About the Online System  
  3.1 Security & Privacy Policy?
  3.2 Why did the system log me off?
  3.3 Why don't my changes get saved?
  3.4 Why didn't it work when I pressed "Enter"?
  3.5 Why are cookies required?

1 C reating and Submitting Requisitions
 1.1How do I find a product?
  Search is the best way to find products/documents on our system:

Option to search by:

  • Product Name
  • Catalog Code
  • Manufacturer's Code
  • Logic - combination of Name, CatCode and MfgCode

Search supports a limited version of SQL wildcard and some regular expression - Conditional & comparison characters:

  • &, AND, [space/blank]  - when all criterias are true.  ex: Beaker 10ml Glass, which is the same as Beaker&10ml&Glass, same as Beaker AND Glass AND 10ml
  • |, OR-  when any criteria is true.  ex: Beaker|Cylinder, same as Beaker OR Cylinder
  • !, NOT - when opposite is true. ex: Beaker 10ml !glass, same as Beaker AND 10ml AND NOT glass
  1.2 How do I create or add to a requisition (Order/RFQ)?

From a Product

Search and view a product. Below the product name and price, there are [+ Requisition ] button and a drop down selection button. Select [New/Blank] or an existing requisition to create or add this sku to it. Press [+ Requisition] to create/add. Requisition detail form will show newly added line item.

From a Flexlist

You can use your Flexlists to create a new to create a new requisition. Enter qty for interested line items on the Flexlist, then press the [+ Requisitionn at the bottom of the Flexlist.

  1.3 How do I submit a requisition?

Once you created a requisition, you can submit it to us either as an RFQ or order by simply pressing the appropriate button near the bottom of the requisition form. To send us an order press [ Order ]. To Request a Quotation press [ Quote ]

  1.4 How do I make changes to a requisition?

Delete product/line-item by press [x] button, right next to the qty field

Change quantities by entering the new quantities and then pressing [ Update ]

Add products as discussed above

  1.5> How do I use Request for Quote (RFQ)?

To submit a RFQ first create a requisition that has the products you want on it and then press the [ Quote ] button near the bottom of the requisition form. You will receive email notification from us when your quotation is ready.

To view your your quotation click on the [ Purchasing ] tab on the top menu bar. Click on the name of the RFQ you want to view and it will appear on the right.

To change a quotation into an order, press the [ Order ] button near the bottom of the quotation.

  1.6> What happens after I submit a requisition?

Our online system lets you track your requisitions at all stages of the ordering process. It also sends you email notification whenever the status of your requisition changes. To learn how to use online order tracking see How does order tracking work?

2 S implify Procurement
 2.1What are Requisitions?
  Requisition is a purchasing system, which supports multiple requisitions/PO at a same time. Whereas a system using shopping cart paradign only 1 shopping cart at any time, which is equivalent to allowing only to one on going requisition at a time.
 2.2What are Flexlists?

Flexlists are template lists for speedy ordering of frequently ordered products. Flexlists let you quickly add items to requisition without having to search for these items. You can use Flexlists to quickly generate orders/RFQs simply by entering quantities, and pressing a button.

You can use multiple Flexlists to help you organize your frequently purchased items. For example, you could use a separate Flexlist for each of the different types of items you commonly purchase such as glassware, wet chemicals, and heavy equipment. Each user account has its own Flexlists. Your user account Flexlists are private and are not viewable by other user accounts. With exception of Flexlists from a manager/supervisor's account, where these Flexlists can be share - visible to direct report accounts hierarchy.

To view your Flexlists or create one press the [ Flexlists ] button on the top menu bar. A list of any existing Flexlists will appear. To view a Flexlist, click on its name.

To rename, delete, or add to Flexlists click on the [ Details ] button on the right of the flexlist tab heading.

Adding items to an Flexlist

Through the catalog page that describes the product. Each product in our online catalog has a page that contains an [ +Flexlist ] button and an input box for choosing the desired Flexlist.

Removing items from a Flexlist

To remove items from a Flexlist, click on the [ Details ] button on the right of the flexlist tab heading. Then check the “Pick” box next to each item to be removed. Then press the [ Remove ] button at the bottom of the Flexlist.

Ordering using an Flexlist

To add items on a Flexlist to an existing requisition, enter the desired quantity. Then press the [ +Requisition ] button at the bottom of the Flexlist and use the drop-down box to choose the requisition to which the items should be added.

To add items on a Flexlist to a new requisition, enter the desired quantity. Next select New/Blank option then press the [ +Requisition ] button at the bottom of the Flexlist.


 2.2How does order tracking work?

Our online system lets you track requisitions at all stages of the ordering process. For your convenience, you will be notified by email whenever the status of your requisition changes. To track your submitted orders/RFQs or view requisitions you are currently building, click on the [ Purchasing ] tab on the top menu bar.

Order tracking stages include:

Open. Open requisitions are orders/RFQs that you are in the process of building.

Request for Quotes (RFQs). RFQs are requisitions for which you have requested a quote. RFQ stages are as follows:

  • rfq-submitted. RFQ submitted to us.
  • rfq-reply. Our quotation.
  • rfq-accepted. RFQ accepted by you (it's now a submitted order)

Submitted. Submitted (or in-process) orders are orders that you have submitted to us for fulfillment. Submitted orders can be in one of four states:

  • order-submitted. Order submitted by you, but unconfirmed by us.
  • order-confirmed. Order confirmed by us.
  • order-shipped. Partial order is shipping to you. Click on order for shipping details.
  • order-complete. Complete order is shipping to you. Click on order for shipping details.

History. You can view your order history by pressing using the History area in the Purchasing Center. Select a range of dates you wish to view history for and then press the [ List ] button.

3 A bout the Online System
 3.1Security & Privacy Policy?
  Your orders and account information are stored in our secured database behind a firewall. Our business integrity enforced the absolute confidentiality of your information; it will NOT be disseminated nor distributed outside of our company!
 3.2Why did the system log me off?
  For your security, the system automatically logs off users after 30 minutes of inactivity. Log back in to resume your work. Your work will be saved as long as you press the [ Update ] button on your requisitions and Flexlists after you modify them.
 3.3Why don't my changes get saved?
  You must press the [ Update ] button on your requisitions and Flexlists for your changes to take effect.
 3.4Why didn't it work when I pressed "Enter"?
  For most actions you need to press a button before your changes take place. Press “enter” won't work. For example, after you enter a new Quantity for an item, you need “pick” that item and press the [ Update ] button. Look for the relevant buttons for an action next to the input boxes for it.
 3.5Why are cookies required?

Our system uses a temporary session cookies to keep your authenticated session alive while you are using the system. A small permanent cookies resides on your computer to stores an encrypted-phrase from which our application use to retrieve your login User Name.

The following is an example of a cookies:


No pertinent information is stored at your computer!